(609) 924-5300 | 14 NASSAU STREET, PRINCETON, NJ 08542


Investment Management

Our four pillars of investment principles:

Portfolio Approach

Portfolio construction starts with stategic asset allocation through diversified portfolio, which has been proved to be a sensible approach to long term investments. We use both stategic and tactical allocation to achieve the investment objectives of our clients.

Investment Selection

Selecting high quality investments and managers by focusing on manager's or funds' investment styles and process, track records, relative performance among peers, while considering investment risk, expense ratio and tax efficiency.

Repeatable Process

Adhering to our investment process makes us less susceptible to market fluctuations and reinforces selling discipline by trimming or rebalancing portfolio when they become significant portion of the portfolio, upgrade to better investment alternatives or totally exit the investment due to the change of fundamentals.

RIsk Managment

Considering various risk factors and scenarios, particularly extreme market conditions; balancing risk and rewards and to manage risk at both the investment and portfolio levels; then sizing positions according to their risk characteristics.

Investment Management

Desirable long term investment results are built upon well-thought-out investment approach, prudent selections and repeatable process.

Let's Get Acquainted

We offer a complimentary "Get Acquainted" meeting to describe our services, and to see if our services are right for you.


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    (609) 924-5300
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